As i try and embrace the new me
There is a loneliness i feel
A pang of emotions
A thurst of ache
Life is really never a piece of cake
To the eyes of beholder it might look pretty
But as you peak inside its a funky city
Where the person who resides is the only one
Keeping the city alive…fighting a battle not yet won
But i won’t give up until the end of time I will combat and survive
To come out of it more robust
Coz this is life & it means so much
A step at a time is all it takes
Yet put a focus on the mistakes
To assimilate from it to make a better you
And ensure no matter what life throws you would follow through
No one said it will be easy but it would be worth it
So i will take it on and stamp my name on it
To show the world i was here & i did it!!!