Never Again

A string in my heart was touched today

One that hasn’t been touched in a long time

Unplayed chord; i wasn’t sure if its dull or will it shine

It tugged so hard; it shook everything in me

It was strong and i lost all harmony

The sound that came out was loud

I wasn’t sure if it was a cry or shout

It felt like an untammed scream

Arising from an unknown theme

A feeling i don’t want to feel

A feeling i don’t want to die

Making me hug myself harder

Making myself cry

My heart was split in two

The echo was deafening

Roaring away in my soul

Breaking me apart as it played

Unbearable ache stayed within

A wound became alive

A chord struck in my heart

Tearing me up again

I want to hear this sound

But may be never ever again…